A woman is a beautiful creation of God capable of adjusting to new realities and challenges. Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every country of the world. She is the heart of a family without whom everything gets upside down. Hence, it's our foremost duty to protect her mentally, emotionally and take care of her overall health.
We at Tanwar Homoeo give complete health care to every woman and help her get out of all types of emotional distress and help her cure all female problems. PCOD, Uterine Cysts or Fibroids, Infertility, Menstrual disorders etc... all are completely curable and no surgeries or operations are required for any of the mentioned above. Operating and cutting down the Uterus of a woman is not only harmful for female health but it is a sin which leaves her incomplete for the rest of her life. Getting the uterus operated also has a negative after effect on the mind. This disturbs a female emotionally which is not noticed by a layman.